Butternut Quash and Leek soup

Butternut Quash and Leek soup – Deanee Clark

Large Butternut Quash – or whatever size you have grown

Leeks – same weight as your prepared Quash

Onion – LARGE

Large Potato – optional

Veg stock – I use stock cubes,  for a large Quash use 3 pints of stock 

This makes a thick soup add more stock if you want a thinner soup

*  Prep the Butternut into cubes – Remove the skin

*  Chop the leeks 

  • Chop the onion

*  Put all the ingredients into a large pan

  • Add in the stock

*  Salt & pepper to taste

  • Bring to the boil and simmer until the Quash is soft

*  Let it cool a bit and then blitz with a hand blender

Filling and very tasty